Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Wednesday 5 May 2010



The opening sequence for this Emmy and Golden Globe award winning show had a significant affect on our main task. Although a television series, Dexter falls under the genre of Crime Drama, Mystery and Suspense and deals with serial murders and a psychologically effected killer. This was a perfect stimulus for us to work from as the our task follows a similar genre with a psychologically effected killer.
However, although the content of the show is similar, it is just the opening sequence that counts. The slow pace,editing cuts and unique extreme close ups are what first attracted me to this sequence. I had previously watched the televisions series and always remembered the sequence so once researching for Silent Play, i thought thsi would be perfect inspiration. As you can see we adopted the pace and camera angles whilst developing on them by adding in faster cuts to the sewing machine in real time, and we feel happy with the influence it had on Silent Play's final sequence.

One Hour Photo

One Hour Photo

This was one film that we researched and that also has some influence in the our main task. We wanted to capture the loving side of our Toymaker, as altough he was a serial killer, we wanted to portray him as someone who cares about his victims on a personal level. The Toymaker and Sy Parrish share similar backgrounds and characteristics as they are both living alone, and seem to have no family support. Due to the lack human interaction, both opt to pasting images onto their wall; Sy has the Yorkin family photos, whilst the Toymaker has images of little girls. This collage of photographs can be seen as the backdrop on set for our main task.