Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Friday 27 November 2009

Main Task : Pitch and Treatment

A Phantom Films Production

Tagline:-Her parents didn’t know; now they never will…

When a young and neglected Amy is taken, her parents go on a mission to find her, only to find themselves in a twisted game of neglect and perversity leading to the shocking truth of her daughter’s whereabouts. Will the Toymaker win more importantly will the parents lose?

Amy, a pretty young girl neglected by her hardworking parents, has a daily routine. When her parents leave for work every morning she would make her breakfast and feed the cat down the street. Lonely and isolated she is easy prey for a deranged Toymaker.

After he takes her and leaves an “Amy-like” doll in her place, her parents, race against time to find their lost daughter and to win the game of the Toymaker. The Toymaker leaves a clue on the back of the doll left in Amy’s place that leads the parents to more doll’s and shocking revelations about their daughter’s location. When her parents find the last clue it chillingly reads “I Win”.

After conceding to the belief that Amy is gone forever her parents realise that they didn’t do the best by her, they leave to live with family in Scotland to grieve for their daughter. Some time later they see a news report of a series missing girls from their home town generating the need for them to help the other parents and hopefully get closure about their daughter.

The mother, soon returns to her hometown and is haunted by uncanny doll of her daughter in an abandoned toy shop window. Curious, she breaks into the shop, only to discover dozens of these life-size dolls hanging on the old shelves. When she goes to get a better look at the replica of her daughter, she notices the exact beauty spot, which Amy had on her cheek. Stunned and scared she alerts the police, and they discover the sick truth behind the disappearance of Amy in the Toymakers deadly playpen.

Friday 6 November 2009

Hannibal- Opening titles, with commentary

Hannibal Opening

Hannibal- Shot by Shot analysis

Fairytale Feedback

Feedback from Matt and Rachel

Matt and Rachel overall, seem to like my treatment to the Changelings tale, this is what they said :

Matt thought that the story had logical causality as a story, but from a filming perspective it needed to link up. This was understandable, as whist creating my treatment i was unsure, if it had to be in a film or story form and i chose a story form. Whilst researching i realised that most stories are just summaries and miss out the in between parts, therefore, when i said that 'as months past' it skipped out information that could develop story further.

Rachel said that the theme of neglect is good and that my plot points are well thought out although it does run very close to the original story. However, she voted for my idea to be apart of our main task final piece.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Horror Research

Horror/ Psychological Thrillers

Target Audience

Horror films often attract a more teenage audience however, they are widely enjoyed by all. The age range is roughly from 15-30 year olds, and depending of the theme of the horror, whether it be a slasher or a gory psychological thriller, a certain gender may be attracted to the movie. For example, the Saw saga's are more widely watched my males, due the blood and guts that are shown throughout the film. Whereas, Silence of the Lambs , in my opinion is more appreciated by females as it gives us something to think about as we can get involved with the characters and try and solve the crimes whilst enjoying the frightening parts.

Codes and Conventions

Horror films often involve a large amount of well thoughtout codes and conventions that will give the audience the idea and feeling that they are watching a horror film. In most media texts, particularly advertisement posters of with films of the horror genre, many of the codes and conventions displayed within the narrative of the film are portrayed to an effect that will suggest important aspects of the film i.e. lead characters and their composition (good/evil). This is effective as it informs the audience of what to expect of the film and give them an idea of the plot, which in itself is very inviting as we want to see why these particular elements and themes are used.The representation of characters in advertisements are often the same depending on the Protagonist, Villain or mmonster. The monster in particularly is often engulfted in darkness, lingers over its victims but we rarely see its face in most posters keeping up the suspense and making the audience want to go and watch the film, to find out what the monster looks like.

The Victims

The victims are often displayed in different colours than the text and monster to show innocence or neutrality. The lead character that is often the sole survivor which is regularly used convention of the horror genre. An example of this is in the Asian Horror Movie Seance poster.

Monday 2 November 2009

The world of my Story

Sunday 1 November 2009

My Fairytale Adaptation of Changelings

I chose Changelings as the story that i wanted to adapt. The moral of Changelings is to'never leave your children alone', this story and moral has a very dark tone, so i wanted to keep that as i feel the scariest tale are remembered.

In my adaptation, the story would start with a rich and wealthy family who was well-known is all the newspapers, magazines, were always in the spotlight, and who seemed, to the outside world, to be extremely happy and very close. However, behind closed doors the mother and father, were always working away in their studies and never had time for their son, except at social events. Now this just left the son, Alex who was always alone and neglected. But one late night a troll family were searching the town for a suitable family to exchange their changeling with, when they saw the wealthy family arriving home in a sea of paparazzi, as smiles and happiness filled the air. It was at that moment, the troll family realised, that THAT was what they wanted for their child. So in the early hours of the morning they snuck into the rich family’s house and swapped young Alex for their own child. The changeling was smelly, troublesome and very stupid, the total opposite to Alex. But since Alex’s parents were so busy they didn’t even notice that their son had been swapped for an uglier, smellier and dumber version of their son.

As time went on the house, began to fill with the Changeling’s smelly farts, burps and the litter that followed him wherever he went. Whilst Alex was with the trolls having a terrible time working as their slave.Soon the Alex’s parents began to notice the mess, and that their ‘son’ was not their son. The mother became distraught with the fact that she didn’t even notice that her son was missing as she neglected him. She wanted her son back so much that she did all that she could to get her son back, by researching the Changeling that she had as a son. The mother and father soon realised that the trolls would bring back Alex if they treated the changeling well and made it happy. So they did this by feeding the changeling well, giving it gifts and one day the trolls came by to check on their changeling and saw that it was brought up well and filled with happiness, so that night they brought back Alex to the mother and father. Since that day the Mother and Father never neglected Alex and gave him all the attention that a child deserves from it parents.