Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Saturday 10 October 2009

10 Shot -Camera Work Evaluation

In today's lesson we were given a brief to show the story of someone being watched, using various camera techniques and only 10 frames.We were also told to get into groups with people you have never worked with before, therefore,I chose Esther and Sharon. We shared the tasks that we given between us, so i set up the camera equipment, whilst Esther and Sharon thought of the storyline and drew up the storyboards. After, the storyboard was complete, we all sat down for two minutes to discuss, and rethink some of the shots that were originally drawn up. Remove formatting from selection

Once organised we went out to our first location outside the Media block, however, we noticed that it was very windy, which might have interfered with the microphone and ruined our shots. So we went inside the music block , but there wasn't a place that was bid enough for us to record, and since we was running out of time, we had to think fast. In the end, we had to go outside again, as the wind died down. During film, i too on the task of operating the camera whilst Esther filled in the continuity sheets and acted alongside Sharon.

What Worked Well
The technical part of the task went very well, as i, who was operating the camera, was able to set it up and film successfully, and Esther completed her continuity charts and worked the clapperboard for me whilst i was recording as it was efficient and saved time.
The communication of the group as a whole was good, as we each understood the concept and idea of the story as, Esther and Sharon clearly explained it to me in post production. Whilst filming, we were never stumped at any point as we knew that time was of the essence so we worked out the problems quickly as a group.
The first problem that our group faced was the location recce, as i said before the original outside location was too windy so we went inside, but it was too small with a lack of background. Therefore, we decided ,as time was running out, that we would go outside and film in front of the media block as it was blocking the wind.
The second problem that we faced was the clashes of setting, for some reason every group decided to not travel far away form the media classroom, which meant that we ended up eventually filming in different parts outside the media block. Moreover, whilst filming we could see and hear other groups filming, which meant that they could have been heard on our film. But towards the end of our filming, each group just stood politely whilst others were filming.Eventually we all finished within the allocated time successfully.
The final problem that our group faced was the lack of shots that we had. This occurred as while filming i realise that two of the shots could be filmed as one, and that one shot couldn't have worked. Therefore, we were left with two extra shots. So the last three shots were changed to we could make three new ones that would match the story and the brief of having 10 shots.
Overall, i feel that we worked well as a group,as we finished the task within the allocated time, whilst using several cutaways and camera angles/shots/movements. I learnt how vital pre-production is as we were only given a short while to plan our task, but since our group was now familiar with the camera equipment and the protocol of filming, it was a success.I would definitely like to work with Esther and Sharon again as although i got chased by a 'daddy-long- legs' we the whole task was fun and i gained experience. x

1 comment:

  1. A good attempt at an evaluation Yasmin. You have covered most of the areas set for homework. However, you tend to stray away for evaluating sometimes and begin to describe what happen. In future use point, example, explain to give you a more structures and concise answers. Make sure you are using the correct terminologies in context.
