Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Prelim Task Evaluation

Preliminary Task Evaluation

In the Preliminary Task, Edward Obeng was my partner, and Halle Smith and Rebecca Noble were the actors for our film. The different tasks were managed by both of us. I myself came up with the original story of the film and therefore created the storyboard, the script and the shooting schedule. Before filming I had also completed our Location Reece to find a place for us to shoot. In the end I was able to find an Art class room that was free, by asking Miss Gill for the keys to the classroom while it was vacant. Edward’s tasks consisted of writing the continuity sheets and marking the shots during production. However, we would often share the responsibilities of setting up the camera and tripod. I had organised the times of our shooting according to the setting of each shot, I did this as I felt that it was efficient due to the camera and tripod that we would have had to lift around from in and out of the classroom. Shooting the scenes according to each setting I felt was the best option as it was less time consuming as each group was only allowed 1hour to shoot each Although, the scenes were not shot in chronological order, it was okay as we will were able to edit the scenes together in Post production. The time management of Edward and I was pretty good, however, due to a problem with our actors lateness on shooting day, we were unable to complete our filming on that day. Therefore, we had to organise a new day and time to shoot the rest of our film. Since we were able to shoot all of Rebecca’s scenes on shooting day, we only needed Halle to shoot the rest of the film, therefore I asked her to bring the same clothes in the next day to keep continuity so were could shoot her scenes. However, Halle forgot her clothes, which held us back another day. So I arranged with Halle to shoot during our free period which she agreed on, however I later found out that she didn’t actually have a free lesson on that Monday, causing more problems. In the end, after consulting Miss Nair, I finally arranged for us to shoot the rest of our film, during our media lesson. This was very frustrating and embarrassing as it was extremely time consuming, we were the only group not to have finished filming yet and, I had missed a media lesson. My strengths in this area were that I was able to come up with a quick, yet entertaining idea and was able to explain it to Edward so he understood my concept. However, my weaknesses during this task, was my quick frustration and being too lenient as I did most of the work, and didn’t push Edward to do anything else as I felt that I was able to do it myself. Next time if I could so anything different to improve my task, I would definitely get more organised or make sure that my actors and assistant director was prepared. As, are lack of time management became very time consuming and caused us to finish late.
When we were given the Preliminary task, to which Miss Nair stated that it had to be a simple sequence of someone walking from one place to another within 30-50 secs. However, we had to make it interesting, using varied camera techniques such as Shot Reverse Shot, Match-on action, Cut-aways and by keeping within the 180 degree rule. But, I didn’t like the idea of just having someone walking from one room to the other, so I thought of an interesting and funny story. Firstly, in pre-production, I just imagined the sequence simply in my head of Halle just walking straight into the classroom and then scaring Rebecca, and as I replayed it in my head, I added cut-aways and shot reverse shots. Next I explained my idea for the task to Edward, who liked my concept so we got to work. Secondly, I drew up the storyboard, using quick and simple stick men, adding the labels such as camera shots/movements, directions of movement by actor and any speech that would be said in each shot. Once the story boarding was finished, complete with back-up shots in case they didn’t work on set, we started on the script. Edward and I, negotiated the dialogue together, and then I went home and typed it up. Finally, the shooting schedule had to be organised, once again I arranged the shots according to the setting whether it be inside or outside of the classroom, to make it more efficient.
Recently, in class we have been having numerous discussions based on the idea of how digital technology has changed and improved. Therefore, using a digital camera to see how easy, accessible it is seemed like the obvious choice.During production, our group used the Canon XH A1 camcorder, to which we had to record our work on MiniDV cassette tapes. From, which we later, uploaded on to our computers ready for post production editing. We also used a Libec LS70 System Tripod, to hold our camera in place, but before we actually got down to filming each group had to go through a mini training course of all of the equipment. In training we learnt how to firstly setting up the Libec Tripod safely as it was the base foundation that kept our camera steadily in place and prevented it from crashing to the floor. After tightening the leg joints, and adjusting the spirit level on the tripod, we moved on to the cameras. We learned how to correctly secure the camera shoehorn on the correct tripod, how to put the battery in and how to turn it on and start recording once the cassette is in the camera. When, we actually start the task, I realised and learnt just how complicated they are, and they have developed so that the user can change the look or sound of the shot according to the surroundings. I also leant how expensive the camera equipment was, which made me appreciate them and the task a lot more.
Before, planning, shooting and editing, I had to take a few factors into account, based on the task, my crew members and the actors that Edward and I had. Firstly, my assistant director Edward, was my first factor as he was someone that I didn’t know and he seemed very reserved , in comparison to me who is very extrovert and not afraid to put my point across. As we began to plan, I realise that Edward was might be the type of person to just agrees with anything and everything, this was great as my idea was used. However, I would have preferred it if he had put some input in and made more of an effort to communicate with me, as I was always doing the talking. As we moved on to production, I took into account that Edward was slightly shy so I asked him what he wanted to do, to make him feel comfortable and he chose to write out the continuity sheets. Secondly, during planning I had to take into account our actors, Rebecca and Halle, therefore making our task a two girl scene. I also had to decide who would play which character, so since I knew Rebecca before hand, I knew she would be comfortable with shouting and raising her voice. Thirdly, during our second session of filming, due to bad time management, I had to take into account the continuity of our scenes. Although I made sure that Halle wore the same clothes, I noticed that she was wearing different earring and a different hairclip. Therefore, whilst shooting, I tried to shoot Halle from the left hand side and her hair covered her earrings and the different hairclip was on the right hand side. Finally, whilst shooting as Edward got lost in the shooting schedule, I had read it whilst operating the camera; therefore I also got lost and read out the wrong shot on the clapperboard. So, I changed the next scene to ‘shot 6A’ so, during editing I was able to follow which shots were which.

5) How successful was your sequence? Please identify what worked well, and with hindsight, what would you improve/do differently?

Now that I have completed the task, in hindsight I have learnt that’s you need a certain amount of management, group work, organisation and technical skills to even be able to set up the camera equipment let alone, create a short film. Management is definitely needed as I soon worked out as giving a small amount of discipline could have made Edward contribute more, and made sure that Halle and Rebecca were always on time. Managing our time more, would have also benefited our film as the continuity would be fulfilled perfectly if we didn’t have to have two shooting sessions. Also whilst filming I could have had a bit for urgency and I the 1hour time limit had carelessly slipped my mind. Group work, skills could have worked better on my part as even though Edward was rather shy and quiet, I could have put more effort in to talk to him and to push him to contribute more. However, I felt that working as a group with Rebecca and Halle was a pleasure as when I was having trouble with certain shots and movements, I felt comfortable asking them on their thoughts and they her happy to help. Organisations skills once again, were slightly lagging in our group as even though, the scripts, storyboards and shooting schedules were made on time, the reorganisation of our second shooting schedule was left slightly late, due to a mix up of free period during school time. However, next time we will use up our free time after school to film. Finally, I have learnt that having a vast amount of technical skills helps with your filming a lot and you get a sense of lighting, sound and angles, which can either make your film, look amateur or professional.

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