Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Digital Technology

How digital technology (compared to analogue) has changed how films are being made,

There are many in digital technological things that have in some ways improved and changed how films are made.
The first example is the CCD (Charge couple device), this was a smart invention that was developed in 1969.CCD is an image sensor which allows for the direct conversion of images into digital images and videos without a chemical process. When it was first developed, this new digital technology was only applied to video cameras for use in television. In 1981, Sony came out with a prototype digital camera which could take still images and store them on a floppy disk. As time progresed, many other companies such as Logitech and Kodak produced their own models, with CCDs. Soon after in 1990, and early version of a Digital Camera was produced called 'Dycam Model 1'. It had onboard memory which could store thirty-two images at once and shot pictures in black, white, and shades of gray only, with a resolution of only 376 x 240. This new form of digital technology rapidly opened up an entirely new world for digital photography.

Another technological advance that has change how films are made, was the introduction of Memorycards and RAIDs (
redundant array of inexpensive disks). These were eventually developed due to the lack of storage space for tape-based films.Nowadays, directors are gradually shifting towards "tapeless" workflow as it is less time consuming and more cost effective.With tapeless workflow digital video is recorded as digital files onto random-access ports for computers like hard disk drives or flash memorycards. These files can be easily copied to another storage device, typically to a large RAID connected, to an editing system. Once data is copied from the digital storage devices they are erased and returned to the set for more shooting, therefore saving more time.

In conclusion, Digital Technology has changed how films are being made as it has made filmmaking less time cusuming as a whole, and is much more cost effective. This is due to the faster digital technology thats is constantly being developed like sound equiptment and cameras. Therefore, since cameras now come in all shapes, sizes and prices, it is now apparent that anybody can be a film maker.

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