Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Sunday 27 September 2009

Preliminary Task - Pre Production - The Script

Scene 1

Int. Barking Abbey Comprehensive School

Rebecca is shown painting alone in a art classroom.

Halle is walking through the art block, when she notices Rebecca painting alone through a peep hole of one of the art rooms’ doors. She presses her face up to the glass and her eyes brighten up as a mischievous thought comes to her mind. Halle then, carefully opens the door, and sneaks over to Rebecca, who hasn’t noticed her. When she reaches Rebecca, Halle scares Rebecca, who in a fit of fright throws her paintbrush up and it hits her in the face then falls to the floor.


(Screams furiously)


(Laughing in hysterics)

Halle: Oh my god...CLASSIC!

Halle continues to laugh as she reaches down to pick up the dropped paintbrush.

Rebecca: What is wrong with you? Why would you do that!

Realising Rebecca is actually upset, Halle subsides her laughter. But, she is unable to contain her giggles.



Halle: It was a joke, I’m sorry

Rebecca: A joke? Does it look like I’m laughing?




Halle: No.

Rebecca scowls at Halle, her face splattered with paint.


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