Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Evaluation - Question Four

Evaluation – Question Four

Who would be the audience for your media product?

PRIMARY AUDIENCE PROFILE:FemaleAged 18-35FemaleAged 18-35Any ethnic background but English language is necessary in order to understand the filmIdealistic lifestyle includes having children/planning to have children or a family based routine Enjoys riddles and mystery, smart and interested in psychological thrillers.

These all contribute to our primary audiences expectations and enjoyment of the psychological thriller genre. We chose women as our primary audience as the film revolve around the parents trying to find their kidnapped child Amy. As it focus' primarily on the mother, women would be able to familiarise themselves with her character and therefore feel more empathy. Additionally, because our film is one where the audience will be guessing the whole way through our audience will be intrigued and be eager to know the end of the film.


Male18-40Ethnic background irrelevant as long as English is one of their languagesLifestyle includes reading and solving puzzles/riddles, they will enjoy thinking of the ending of a film when it's only just begun etc.

Films both audiences would have seen and enjoyed recently would be these as follow.

If you click the links to the following films, they will take you to the IMDb websites. Here you will notice that each of these films share the same elements, scenes, equilibrium's and keywords such as tense, mystery, kidnap and 'twist at the end'. Therefore, making our film a perfect choice for our psychological film loving audience!

*The Hills Run Red-this film in particular has the soundtrack that we originally wanted for our film.

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