Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Wednesday 17 March 2010

  • White British male
  • Only child
  • Mind of a child
  • Psychologically affected in childhood as father died and mother neglected him. She only gave him one doll each year on his birthday, to keep him company.
  • Rarely interacted with others
  • Grew bored of dolls as he could never have a conversation with them
  • Became obsessed with finding something better and 'doll-like', and found that little girls were perfect. But they soon, wanted to go home but he wanted them to stay so he would kill and turn them into dolls with hot wax- much like Bo and Vincent in House of Wax (2005) who turn people into waxworks to make their figures more realistic-
    Occupation- Toymaker, he owns a rundown toyshop in which he stores and hangs his dolls in.
  • Our opening sequence shows his workstation which would be situated within the toyshop.

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