Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Evaulation - Question Three

Evaluation – Question Three

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Our film is low budget student film and due to it being independent and not well known it is unlikely to be shown in large chain cinemas such as The Odeon, Vue and Cineworld. Unlike big blockbuster movie our film didn't cast Hollywood actors so it will not be distributed like a big blockbuster movie. Therefore, if it were to be distributed it would have to be done on a lower scale with particular distributors that cater for low budget independent student films.

Vertical integration used to rule the film industry as it would help promote better financial growth and efficiency in their companies and films. 'the studios' control over distribution was greatly weakened in the U.S. when in 1948 the court case United States v. Paramount Pictures, Inc. forced the major film studios to sell all their theatres”.

Today major studios and independent production companies compete for screens in theatre, which is a positive thing as it allows other filmmakers like us to get the chance for new films and talent to be exhibited. The film distributor plays a massive and important role in the film industry. The sole purpose of the distributor is to convince the exhibitor like The Odeon to 'rent' or screen your film. Using several marketing techniques, the distributor makes the exhibitor believe they will profit financially by showing the film. Once a contract is signed the film is shipped and advertised globally through digital distribution as well as posters, newspaper and magazine advertisements, television commercials, trailers, and other types of ads whilst making sure that the film is in fact shown in the particular theatre. In our case, Silent Play may be shown in The Greenwich Picturehouse which has 5 screens and will show a range of mainstream releases, foreign language and independent cinema, special seasons and visiting festivals. Other festivals that would be interested in screening our film would be Exposures, the UK’s largest festival of student image work, which takes place every year in Manchester, or Screen test. which provides the opportunity for students from across the country to screen their work in , meet other student filmmakers. One institution that would be interested in distributing our film would be THE BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE which is a large filming institute that promotes understanding and appreciation of Britain's film and television heritage and culture to the widest possible range of British and world cinema. Another type of media institution that would consider distributing our film would be a distributor such as Dogwoof. It’s a UK based film distributor specialising in social issue films, documentaries, independent films and world cinema. Whist researching on their website,, they say that 'We are also constantly trying new technologies, and new business models, which offer endless opportunities for independent distribution.' Their films often cover the themes of social and environmental issues so maybe our film about a psycho kidnapping toymaker might not attract them as much as The Age of Stupid. click here for trailer. However, they have recently set up Dogwoof Indie “to support independent filmmakers and promote fresh talent in the film industry.” They launched it after the success of a film and now aim for Hybrid Distribution (cinema, DVD and internet VOD). This would be extremely effective for our film as it would reach a wider audience not only at the cinema but within homes as well. Another willing distributor would be Guerilla Films, previously a production company, Guerilla Films is a UK based distribution company and since 1999 made it their sole purpose to distribute British & Irish films within the UK & Ireland. I found that their films have been screened in all the leading UK chains - UGC, Cineworld, Odeon, UCI and VUE as well as numerous independent cinemas which would also be great exposure for our film as it would be expanded to a wider audience and may convince them that our film is of a higher production value. A final potential way for our film to be distributed could be through the internet, one distributor could be who concentrate on independent film distribution the internet. However, a better known site would be YouTube. Using YouTube would be a fast, cheap and accessible way to get a film out on a more global scale due to word of mouth, emails and our viewing figures. But that's the only problem, since YouTube has over 200 million videos it would be massive competitions to get the hits that we need to get it exhibited on a large scale and hit every audience. Overall, getting your film distributed isn't as easy as it all sounds, as its is a much longer process, then I have written including methods of licensing , marketing, copyrighting and logistics. But before all of that you have to convince a distributor that's your film is good enough for them to get the distribution 'wheels in motion', and of course it HAS to be good otherwise....who’s going to watch it ?!

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